5 ASP to ASP.NET Migration Tips for Any Business

5 ASP to ASP.NET Migration Tips for Any Business

By Ghulam Nabi Shah | Published on March 17th, 2015 | Last updated on June 26th, 2019 |

Things to remember

When it comes to ASP to ASP.NET migration, legacy code can be migrated gradually, while applying migration  strategies, and running legacy code for a long period of time until a complete migration is achieved.

This leads us to our first tip in an ASP to .NET migration.

  • Side-By-Side Approach

The notion of the side-by-side approach depends on on the hypothesis that legacy code and .NET code implement different parts of the application with low coupling between them.

  • Local Migration

Understanding that local migration by definition is the migration of a united part of one or more of the legacy application layers.

  • Rewrite/optimization

The rewrite/optimization can be done after an ASP to .NET migration, in parallel with it or instead of it. This allows .NET benefits as: layered application architecture, caching, separation of HTML views from code behind, server controls and data binding, server events, view state, the .NET exception handling, improved developer productivity, improved maintainability, and so on.

  • Client-based synchronization approach

This approach can be implemented by developing two intermediate pages that will sit between ASP and ASP.NET pages involved in client-based synchronization.

  • Dynamic synchronization

Dynamic synchronization should only be used if a considerable amount of pages update the state. Never forget, there will be no performance gain because the state has to be harmonized habitually.

ASP to ASP .NET Migration ranges from local to complete migration of the application as a whole. Different approaches can be useful at different phases of this migration procedure, ending with a whole migration or the end of application support, whichever comes first.


If you are looking for more ASP to ASP.NET migration tips, get free access to my video blogs from here!

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Ghulam Nabi Shah
Chief Executive Officer at Macrosoft Inc
Shah is a forward-thinking corporate leader with twenty years of experience delivering top-notch customer solutions in large scale and enterprise business environments. As a technology visionary and driver of strategic business systems development, allow Macrosoft to deliver best-in-class software solutions. Shah’s profound expertise includes business strategy, product development, enterprise-wide architecture, application migration, IT transformation, and international development management. Shah holds multiple professional and technical certifications, scholastic degrees, and an MBA.
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