Code Morph

Automating VFP Code Conversion

Macrosoft’s CodeMorph Tool is a production-ready code automation tool that converts VFP application code to the .Net framework. 

CodeMorph reduces the migration project timeline and enables the migration team to automate a variety of elements of the source application. It decreases the dependency on engaging VFP analysts to go through the detailed analysis phase. It analyzes the code to output a set of detailed business rules embedded in the VFP code. The process is so fast that the conversion of the Visual FoxPro code to .NET gets completed in a matter of hours. Once the code is generated, the tool provides the development team with in-line warning and error flags, pinpointing the problematic code or syntax mismatches. 

There are many VFP code automation tools around, but CodeMorph is a game-changer in the VFP migration industry, giving Macrosoft the key edge over others. 

Automating VFP Conversion with CodeMorph – Whitepaper

CodeMorph tool makes the process of converting a large VFP application to the .NET framework much faster, easier and more accurate.

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