How to find good ASP Development Tools

How to find good ASP Development Tools

By Ghulam Nabi Shah | Published on March 3rd, 2015 | Last updated on January 24th, 2024 |

What’s Useful vs. Necessary

After much consideration, I arrived at the conclusion that a key deciding factor when deciding which asp development tools to use must start with what is useful vs. necessary.

There are so many tools that are useful and help build applications either faster or more effectively, but I can still build such sites without them. The reason we created this blog was by thinking of a new developer and what asp development tools I could give them to be productive after some ramp up time.

Below I have created a list of a few asp development tools that have worked for me and should help you as well.


Ø Version control

Ø Browser development tools

I think an IDE, version control system, and browser development tools are critical to building web applications. However, the beauty of a creative endeavor like application development is there are many ways to tackle a problem, and there are a variety of tools used to solve it.

A few things to remember…

The proper asp development tools allow you to:

    1. Construct and run active, applications and database-driven Web results
    2. Chain HTML pages and ActiveX components together

In case you are wondering what ASP is, it’s a simple server-side scripting interface. It was presented in Microsoft Internet Information Server IIS 2.0, and ASPs are effortlessly fashioned using VBScript.

There are only two belongings mandatory for the effective implementation of a Web site constructed with Active Server Pages:

  • respectable understanding of HTML
  • solid foundation in Visual Basic (or another script language)

Let me know what tools would make your list.

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Ghulam Nabi Shah
Chief Executive Officer at Macrosoft Inc
Shah is a forward-thinking corporate leader with twenty years of experience delivering top-notch customer solutions in large scale and enterprise business environments. As a technology visionary and driver of strategic business systems development, allow Macrosoft to deliver best-in-class software solutions. Shah’s profound expertise includes business strategy, product development, enterprise-wide architecture, application migration, IT transformation, and international development management. Shah holds multiple professional and technical certifications, scholastic degrees, and an MBA.
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