Data Morph

DataMorph – Point-and-Click Automation Tool for The VFP Database Conversion  

Migrating legacy VFP applications is a lengthy, incremental and time-consuming process and converting the database is one of the critical steps in historical data migration. With Macrosoft’s DataMorph tool, migrating your Visual VFP databases has never been easier. With a simple visual interface and guided stepwise process, DataMorph migrates VFP, DBC and Free tables to MS-SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL database with ease and accuracy.  

DataMorph saves you a significant amount of time and effort writing database conversion programs and formulating processes. This simple tool provides an excellent ROI for your investment in terms of efficiency gain. 

DataMorph Tool Workflow

Macrosoft’s DataMorph tool migrates the VFP database structure and imports data to an equivalent target database. The process starts by establishing field mapping between the Visual FoxPro data types and equivalent target data types. The user can view and correct potential data problems in real time while the tool validates data integrity. It has built-in capability to enable users to rectify the erroneous data and import clean data into the new database.  

DataMorph tool workflow is highly flexible to fulfill the needs of your company’s migration requirements. For instance, an authorized user may export VFP DBF data into a new target database or overwrite the contents of an existing database on the target database server.  

DataMorph is an industry leading tool to automate VFP to SQL database conversion process. 

Download Macrosoft DataMorph Tool

Migrate your Visual FoxPro (VFP) database DataMorph. It support one-click migration of VFP DBC/Free tables to MS-SQL / MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL databases using an automated visual process.

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